Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Sometimes when I go out on my front porch I hear a hissing noise. I used to hear it at the old house too. That hissing noise is the sound of a hot air balloon going by. I love seeing them up there. I think I might like to go up in one of those one day. I know that there are hot air balloon services that will take you up because I've spoken with those people before when they set up during the County Fair week.

Anyhow, it's especially nice to be able to sit out on my porch with my cup of coffee and hear that sound and peek out and see this beautifully colored balloon floating by. It's one of the best ways of starting the day...


chellebelle said...

I hear that sound sometimes at work.. I go walking on my breaks, and I walk up the parking garage 4 stories high and I watch as they leave the ground and float past me. I agree, truly a great way to start the day. And I want to go up in one too!! nice picture!

Corinnea said...

I love hot air balloons! There were some that would fly over RB when we were there. Yes, a beautiful way to start the day.