I am sooooo sorry I haven't posted in FOREVER! The last time I wrote anything was just before my visit to the kids in WA. Which, by the way, was a fun and enjoyable trip! Grandbaby learned to crawl while I was there! I was there for 8 days and it was so nice to get to know grandbaby. I even got to watch him while his momma & daddy went for a hike and out to dinner.

When I returned.... I hit the ground running! It was time to get a few things taken care of AND I also came up on our local carpenters list so he began working on our closet situation. Did I even mention how I was slowly getting eased out of "our" closet? My honey has become a clothes hog! All those years of being in the Army and wearing the same old thing to work spoiled me. Now he's got more clothes than me! (but I've still got him beat in the shoe department!) Anyhow, I now have my own walk in closet! Yay!!! And it's neat and tidy and my clothes are lined up by color (I know, I'm a bit anal that way). And of course, I never took a picture of how the closets used to be. But basically, I stole space from the guest bedroom closet, which was also a walk-in. And closed it up to make a smaller closet for that room and gave myself the rest of the space. Our carpenter took one of the doors from downstairs (we have a walk-through closet between our two office spaces which we will eventually take down the walls to eliminate the "closet" there) and he made a door frame for that door so I can access the closet from our bedroom. I'm still working on matching the stain for a small portion of the flooring and the door frame. Our carpenter did a fantastic job with all the wood work he did. He matched the style of the door frame to the rest of the house. And he was able to re-use the base boards so that the whole thing (both closets) look like they've always been this way! So, now I'm back on the bottom of his list. I hope to be back up to the top in a year or so. I've got more things I want him to do for this house! ;-) He's VERY much in demand! But since he goes to our church, I see him every week and I can remind him that I still need his expertise for more projects on....... this old house.
I also painted one wall of my kitchen. I'm trying to find a color I like and I think I have. I also got my wall clock fixed and it now hangs in my kitchen and with the new wall color it looks fabulous!
I also moved out my winter furnishings in my sun room and replaced them with my summer things.
I also found a Pottery Barn Buchanan apartment sofa on Craigslist and bought it! I also bought a Pottery Barn slip cover for it! I'll have to show you that set up of our living room as soon as I'm done with that. I'm still looking for a couple of overstuffed chairs and maybe another ottoman.
I painted our bedroom too! Once our carpenter was done in our room I went and painted it a grey/brown. And yes, I will post that as well one of these days......
I also finished making the last of the doilies for baby girls wedding AND I painted her wedding tree. And oh..... my...... goodness..... the wedding! I'll have to share that with you all in the next post. But what I will say is this. It was absolutely, very baby girl in style and totally perfect in every way!
And, on that note, I will leave you. I PROMISE to show you pictures of baby girls wedding! But, before I do, I will show you a bit of pre-wedding prep. photos.
Below on either side of Baby-girl, is cousin Emily and sister-in law, dilly-girl.
The buntings have been hung in the barn and the flowers
are being placed in the canning jars.
Flowers in the jars and on the doilies!
I know it's not much (jess) but that's it for now. I was hoping that I'd be able to get a few more photo's of the wedding before I actually posted them here. Since Baby-girls momma and daddy both walked her down the aisle, it was a bit difficult to take pictures during the ceremony. But, hopefully I'll have some of the professional shots soon, now that baby-girl and our new son-in-law are back from their honeymoon.
So, hope that satisfies ya'll for now. And I'll be back with more next time!
Hooray! You're back! Wow, you have been doing a lot of projects. The new closet sounds wonderful and the new things you've done...need I say pictures please? I look forward to pictures of the wedding. AND that grand baby. No pressure of course. Welcome back!
Awww, thank you Norma for continuing to check on my blog! It's been a crazy few weeks and I am only now getting caught up on my computer time!
Now.... I'm off to see what you've been up to! ;-)
So much teasing and no pictures...agh! You better not disappear again!
Sorry! I promise the pictures will be up soon. And I hope to get back into my routine again. ;-)
Thanks for keeping up with my blog!
Wonderful! cannot wait to see more pictures of the wedding, I really missed you but glad that everything seems to be going well for you.
At the risk of sounding like everyone else.... PICTURES. Of everything!
Missed you and I'm glad you're back.
Love the setting of the wedding! Can't wait to see more PICTURES!
Your closet sounds amazing and I think you should have at least given us one teeny photo to look at for that.
I am terribly disappointed that there is not one single grandson shot....
Get on it woman.
Pictures. We want pictures.
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