Just a quick post to show ya'll my pink ruffled tulips.
I figured if Pam could post a general pic of lavender (sorry Pam) instead of a pic of HER lavender on her post, then I could do this, which, is actually a real picture of MY tulip plant (from a month ago). Of course they have all gone away by now. But, they were just too pretty NOT to share with you this year. These are bulbs I planted earlier this year and they bloomed for the first time in May. They looked almost like peonies or double roses!
IF, I were really on the ball I'd have pictures of my peonies which are in full bloom now. But, it's already hot (!!!!) here this morning and I'm too lazy to go out and take some pic's of them. I did take some pictures of my flowers that were in the old canning jars that I had picked yesterday. But, I can't find my usb cord to upload them in to i-photo, so..... These tulips are what you get.
I hope to get more of these and others like them to fill in more places in my beds.
I"ll be linking this post up @ Pam's for Garden Tuesday!

And since I have my i-photo's library up....

I can't get over how adorable this little guy is! I could look at him ALL day! But I'd much rather play with him!!!
And for those of you who are HOUNDING (yes, I said "hounding") me over the wedding photo's.... I'm working on it! I only had a few taken with my camera and the professional shots have not come up yet! I'm trying to scrounge up some from other people who also had their cameras with them. So, don't think I haven't forgotten posting about baby girl and her wedding, cuz, I haven't!
Ya'll have a great day and..... I'll be back! ;-)
Flowers look great! And that grandson of yours-what a cutie pie!
Your tulips are gorgeous and he is adorable. But that is a picture of MY lavender, just not my best picture, missy.
OH MY GOSH! I am so sorry Pam! I totally misunderstood. Or maybe it was my subconscious thought coming out. As in "that photo is far too lovely a picture of lavender. It can't possibly be from her garden."
I apologize! Please forgive me! You have such a lovely garden. I'm totally envious of your garden accomplishments AND your photographic abilities!
Those tulips are gorgeous! They are the perfect shade of pink.
That boy of yours is so stinkin cute!!! He makes up for no wedding shots.... this time....
We aren't hounding in a mean way.....
I love tulips and they don't flower well here in the Bay Area (not enough chill hours), so thanks for sharing.
OH MY WORD that grand baby is soooo beautiful! Really, not just saying that, he is really a beautiful boy. Love the flower pic. Now, just get busy on the wedding and yard pic. Is that hounding or what....
Those tulips are beautiful and the little guy, he is a cutie!
Holy cow he looks just like aaron!!! What a cutie!
Your grandbaby is adorable and your tulips are beautiful.
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