Today is Flag Day.
Have you put your flag out?
And these are the baby House Finches in the fern basket.
This is my contribution to Pams Garden Tuesday!

For those of you who are awaiting the wedding pictures... I am having difficulties with the red eye situation in many of my photos. Seriously, not sure what my problem is. But, I do have a Sys. Admin. guy that is going to help me. I just need to get with him on it. (Honey....I need help!) ;-) Thank you for your patience.
Love the pictures! And Sam had the flag out before I got home from work.. what a good boy!
Flag out? Yes indeed! Those finches look startled, but safe. We have had so many birds in the yard this year. It has been fun to have them.
what cuties! great photo
You know who got our flag out!
Such cute birds!
I was wondering why Dad put the flag out... sooo slow! love your birds!
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